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Welcome to the Products section. Here you can find all the available products and their respective documentation. In this particular section, the devices are divided based on the device type they meter, but you may also filter them based on their communication protocol (LoRaWAN and NB-IoT sections at the bottom in the left menu). Other devices we have on offer are also included in this section.


The letters in the product codes present their respective properties.


ACR - ACRIOS, the name of the company

CV - Converter
EX - ATEX certified device (awaiting certification)

100/101 - Form factor of the device

N - NB-IoT
NI - NB-IoT with integrated antenna
LCD - LCD display

M - M-Bus
W - Wireless M-Bus operating at 868 MHz W433 - Wireless M-Bus operating at 433 MHz
R - RS485/ModBus
R12 - RS485/ModBus with AUX 12V (adjustable) DC power supply for connected sensors I4 - S0 Pulse, 4 inputs
I1 - S0 Pulse, 1 input

D - Powered by a D sized battery
D2 - Powered by a double D sized battery
C - Powered by a C sized battery
EAC - Externally powered

The following device would have these properties:


Acrios converter101 form factorusing LoRaWANfor M-Busexternally powered


M-Bus to LoRaWAN converter, powered by a D sized battery

M-Bus to LoRaWAN converter, externally powered

M-Bus to NB-IoT converter, powered by a D sized battery

M-Bus to NB-IoT converter, externally powered

Wireless M-Bus

Wireless M-Bus to NB-IoT converter with integrated antenna, powered by a double D sized battery

Wireless M-Bus operating at 433 MHz to NB-IoT converter with integrated antenna, powered by a double D sized battery


RS485/Modbus to NB-IoT converter, powered by a D sized battery

RS485/Modbus to NB-IoT converter, externally powered

RS485/Modbus with AUX power supply for connected sensors to NB-IoT converter, powered by a D sized battery

RS485/Modbus with AUX power supply for connected sensors to NB-IoT converter, externally powered

S0 Pulse Input

S0 Pulse input to LoRaWAN converter, powered by a D sized battery

S0 Pulse input to LoRaWAN converter, externally powered

S0 Pulse input to NB-IoT converter, powered by a D sized battery

S0 Pulse input to NB-IoT converter, externally powered

S0 Pulse input to NB-IoT converter with an LCD display and integrated antenna, powered by a C sized battery


Configuration cable for ACR-CV converters